
Being Religious

 First and foremost I would like to apologize if this entry offended anybody particular. 

How do you define a religious person? Is it just the deed a person do only for the next world and neglecting the 'world affairs/responsibilities' ? When I mean world affair/responsibilities, I refer to our responsibilities for occupations, society's economy / progression and all.

Or can't a religious person balance out both his world and the eternal place responsibilities? Why would I bring this issue? Well the thing is....

I see this society have trouble balancing deeds. One scenario happened when a person dedicates himself only to the deed of the eternal place, he has to bear with all of sorts of tests ( 'oppression', luxuries and etc.) It's his choice. From what I see today, the number of people who chose to live this kind of lifestyle is on the rise. It's their prerogative.

On the other hand, some other chose to balance out both responsibilities. It's a struggle and not and easy task to juggle both from what I understand. These people work hard and some may be quite wealthy and hold top posts.
What I despise is that when their hardworks have paid off, some of the people whom chose the first lifestyle would slander these successful individuals. Some of the common words;

1. "Oh he's rich! Bribery involvement perhaps?

2. "He's got a top post in the government now!! Look at his luxurious lifestyle and compare to the poor citizens. He must have been mining the people's $$!

3. Because of his position now, this person must have forgotten his responsibility to his Creator. Let's elect our kind to lead our nation. 

People .... (speechless) . These are just pieces of my mind:

A) If some claim themselves to be religious, why would they throw such statements without bringing forth any prove. 

B) Whose decision was it to determine how you lived your live? You've got only yourselves to blame. Think about it. People have got kids and family to support. If you were in his place, would you be generous enough to give away all your wealth for the sake of all your people whom refuse to work hard? A part of sacrifice is fine, but to give away all..... you decide. 



仕事を一所懸命やってみましょう, 成功までを


Economic Inflation

 I believe that a lot of other nations are experiencing it to..

And at times, I believe that we as consumers have to make wise decisions and be thrifty in sparing our $$. 
Prioritize necessary goods like food, education and stuffs..and less on luxurious items (designers clothes, gadgets, DSLR etc) ...

It irks me inside seeing some colleagues here with intermediate level of income complain about the hike in price of stuffs and blame other authorities and parties but themselves for such ordeal. Why in the first place did they think and spend as if they're millionaires? And you'd be surprised to see that these people come to office everyday wearing and bringing in cool luxurious items that you don't normally see others possess. 


Dear our Almighty, Grant Us Protection

From the downfall of our nation for the work of traitors who yearned for power and will go to the extent of creating slanders & stirring the unity among its people .... 

Long live this country


Childhood Nightmare ...

Dolls ! Haha ..that's right. I was a pediophobe. A pediophobe ninja. Lol . Blame this TV series 



 As I read through a self motivational book, the writer noted a study about fear.

"Unexpressed fear can result in anxiety disorders, insomnia, heart arrhythmia, sexual dysfunction and other stress-related illness".

So, express and confess your fear to your Creator, share em with the people you hold dearly in your heart and manage em wisely.


Why Can't We .......

 Put our trust regarding political issues on things that can be clearly seen and defined.

For instance progress of the nation in terms of (political stability, top notch economic management, human capital development, moral and religious improvement : low crime rates and development of religious institutions) ??
Those are the main parameters that I think citizens should consider to judge politician performances.

Instead of the above matters, people of this nation prefer to trust on negative and petty issues. They rather work hard to bring down any opponent candidates that fight for the same leadership. Eg ; slander on personal issues (sex scandals, murder association, etc). Not that I say that these issues are pointless to consider a vote for politicians. It's just that people couldn't judge personal matters so easily these days without fair trial from the court. They could be lies/slanders. Hence without any fair trial, those issues will remain uncertain that we should not have em linger in our mind.

So,... on what basis do you judge your leaders?


Your Boss at Work

  Help me figure out this situation.

You have a boss at your workplace whom had thrived the company to success and experienced in handling company issues. Yeah ..he made some mistakes here and there.. and one day the company faces crisis and boss is in difficulty dealing with them. Do you...

(A) Inspire your colleagues to work harder for the company , provide encouragement and inspiration for your boss to never give up and say you and your friends are here to support the struggle together.

(B) Form a coalition with your colleagues to kick him out of the office. And hoping by chance that another better person will fill in the position 


if you have another solution to share ...


Using Others As Mean

Pre Meeting 

 Person A & B: Hey guys, we need new equipments, change of policies and etc for our company .. With these new ideas our company will stand tall together with other renowned companies (and the talk of daydreamers continues). Lets bring forward this issue into our meeting with the committee . Why don't we elect you (Person X) to be the person in charge for organizing and host the meeting.

Person X: Ok. I have no prob with that . But be sure to prepare a proposal and build concrete defences when the board starts debating on the issue.

Person A & B: Sure! We'll stand by and support each other.. 

On the Day of Meeting (Meeting Room)

Person X: Dear members of the board, here I would like to bring forth the issue of ....(as stated above). I shall give a short brief on the issue and hand over particular details to my colleagues. 

...After a brief introduction of the issues...

Person X: and now I'll hand over the talk to one of my colleagues for further clarification. Any volunteer guys?

No one raised hand....

Boss: This is taking a lot of time for people to volunteer. Why don't you Mr X explain further?

Person X: (In monologue style) WHAT THE...?! I didn't come up with any plans or detail for arguments. Isn't this supposed to be their part?

Person X: I'm afraid I don't have the detail with me sir. I propose that we adjourn this meeting to till we're fully prepared.

Boss: Why did you come up with the talk in the first place?!! (Rambling goes on).....

Post Meeting

Person X: Sighhh... 


Instrumental Piece :)

This one's one of my fav instrumental piece from one of my fav RPG game .. the song name :)


Inspire People to Change ..

"Changing individuals attitude or mindset from bad to good .."

For me, it is better that the change comes from inspirations rather than force. Sure it takes a lot more efforts to think of ways to inspire and patience, but the outcome....... you can think of it yourself. 


I Don't Understand ..

(From this point on.. im gonna name and refer the country of XYZ [if u read my last post] as the land of Solaris .. hehe such a fantasy fiction-like name. I picked up the name from a game btw ..in which it's a well developed high tech nation built floating on sky.. The only way of getting in is through airplanes, or giant fighting human maneuvered robots used in wars). Anyway.. back to my reality..

Ruling systems worked well here in Solaris.. well, at least most of em. I'd say there are few flaws here and there   that'd be worth improving. What I don't understand is that,.. for systems that have worked well in centuries and continue to flourish till the present time, there are people who try to bring down the major portion of the nation ruling system and bring forth another unwarranted systems abruptly. If the proposed system should bring some kind of uncertain fortune to the nation, why can't we just improve bits by bits? At least we sure have a way back to turn when things gone wrong... Rather than enforcing riots and violence for a total change.. (sighh) Care to share opinions anyone?



        This morning as i sift through the newspaper I was compelled with an article headline that reads more or less as this:

Politician daughter: Registered as race X, not race Y.

Few days ago: I learnt that this female politician (Race X) is married to a spouse of a different race from her (Race Y).It seemed that she made an issue to the national birth registry that she wanted her daughter to be registered as her own kind rather than her husband whereas it's a common rule that a child citizenship/race follows paternally. So what did this politician do? Proposed to the birth registry that her daughter ought to be registered as race: XYZ (let say name of a country race) which in my guess is a tactic to be deem as patriotic by the citizen . 

Today: As mentioned above in the headline article,.. the scenario changed. Her daughter was registered as race X not so called race XYZ or race Y. And my judgement is that she is contend and satisfied with the decision because she didn't object or make a further fuss about the matter. 

My Point? 
HYPOCRISY!! For an individual and a group party (which she represent) that fight against racism and support equal rights, such act is unacceptable. What is the significant of having the word 'race: X' printed on an ID document, when biologically both you and your husband have a share of contribution in your offspring? That's right!!, ... you see race Y as a 2nd or 3rd class citizens and probably are at adversity in this so called 'unfair' nation policies! ..or maybe you yourself regard your Race X as more superior than others!. What ever happened to the principles (mission of equality rights) that you held on to all this while?! 

 I mean..come on, interracial marriage have been going on globally since whatever centuries (you name it) and most couples are willing to tolerate on racial issue..(If they don't, why did they get married in the first place right?)

 I have a lot of second thoughts on putting this entry.. I foresee that certain individuals will look to me as a racist in an attempt to bust a racist-hypocrite political figure. Judge me all you want, but the truth hurts.. 'There are a lot of hypocrites running in the industry'. They line up another issue as a shield or mean to gain benefits of their hidden agenda.

Inspire People ...

             Whether you're a president of a country, accountant, engineer, doctor, research scientist, teacher, economist or everything else, do work smart and hard  .. In any field, each of us have our role and contributions to the nation human resource power. I know this post might seem a bit hypercritical and cliche, but I have a lot of hopes for the nation progress. If we had attained success in the past, we shouldn't only in our efforts, replicate our past achievement, but double or triple the result from the history. Let's inspire one another and let the past inspire us people! 


I Hate It When....

 You do a tough job halfway ..., and at one time there's a sudden feeling/voice inside you telling you should quit.. DAMN.. So peeps, never give in to those feelings.. Don't let your halfway efforts go down the drain!


Of Tolerance

       "I won't tolerate intolerance! " 

If someone uttered those words, does that make him an intolerant person too?
Where does tolerance stem anyway?
What's your take on this view?


Giri (義理) vs Ninjō (人情 )

Second post..
For those who couldn't figure out the meaning of those 2 Japanese terms,
the former Giri (義理), carries the meaning 'obligation' while the latter, Ninjō (人情 )  counterpart in English is
'personal feeling/emotion'.

Like most warriors, ninjas too are trained to put their sense of obligation above
any personal feelings. In other words, most can handle this problem should any conflicts
arise. Some even might attain to a sense of apathy in which the absence or lack of emotion
in a person.

In the modern day, I can equate the above situation to a work field where it is important
for you to not let your personal problems interfere with your work. Simpler term, "Be professional".
The question is to what extent? I mean would you feel comfortable to have to work with a colleague
who had just betrayed and intentionally screwed your reputation to your superiors? On another scenario,
how would a person feel when his/her boss told him/her to prioritize work over any family issues
(sick child, divorce ..etc). I've had acquaintances baffled over this 'duty vs personal' problems. My stance
is that .. human beings are not robots and their thinking/emotion ought to be respected. It is also important
to both, manage and balance one sense of obligation and personal issues.
Till then,...take care mates..


This Blog is Inspired by....

The game Tenchu . A game about shadow warriors who execute missions stealthily.
Here's the preview

Why am i inspired by such theme? Well it's because i think that these two main warriors
are cool . They fight for justice and serve for their master loyally.
In this cyber era, one can choose to write anonymously (or should i say stealthily) hehe,
but remain integrated and bounded by ethics ..
Well, I think that's for start ..catch ya later :)