
Using Others As Mean

Pre Meeting 

 Person A & B: Hey guys, we need new equipments, change of policies and etc for our company .. With these new ideas our company will stand tall together with other renowned companies (and the talk of daydreamers continues). Lets bring forward this issue into our meeting with the committee . Why don't we elect you (Person X) to be the person in charge for organizing and host the meeting.

Person X: Ok. I have no prob with that . But be sure to prepare a proposal and build concrete defences when the board starts debating on the issue.

Person A & B: Sure! We'll stand by and support each other.. 

On the Day of Meeting (Meeting Room)

Person X: Dear members of the board, here I would like to bring forth the issue of ....(as stated above). I shall give a short brief on the issue and hand over particular details to my colleagues. 

...After a brief introduction of the issues...

Person X: and now I'll hand over the talk to one of my colleagues for further clarification. Any volunteer guys?

No one raised hand....

Boss: This is taking a lot of time for people to volunteer. Why don't you Mr X explain further?

Person X: (In monologue style) WHAT THE...?! I didn't come up with any plans or detail for arguments. Isn't this supposed to be their part?

Person X: I'm afraid I don't have the detail with me sir. I propose that we adjourn this meeting to till we're fully prepared.

Boss: Why did you come up with the talk in the first place?!! (Rambling goes on).....

Post Meeting

Person X: Sighhh... 

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