
Inspire People to Change ..

"Changing individuals attitude or mindset from bad to good .."

For me, it is better that the change comes from inspirations rather than force. Sure it takes a lot more efforts to think of ways to inspire and patience, but the outcome....... you can think of it yourself. 


I Don't Understand ..

(From this point on.. im gonna name and refer the country of XYZ [if u read my last post] as the land of Solaris .. hehe such a fantasy fiction-like name. I picked up the name from a game btw ..in which it's a well developed high tech nation built floating on sky.. The only way of getting in is through airplanes, or giant fighting human maneuvered robots used in wars). Anyway.. back to my reality..

Ruling systems worked well here in Solaris.. well, at least most of em. I'd say there are few flaws here and there   that'd be worth improving. What I don't understand is that,.. for systems that have worked well in centuries and continue to flourish till the present time, there are people who try to bring down the major portion of the nation ruling system and bring forth another unwarranted systems abruptly. If the proposed system should bring some kind of uncertain fortune to the nation, why can't we just improve bits by bits? At least we sure have a way back to turn when things gone wrong... Rather than enforcing riots and violence for a total change.. (sighh) Care to share opinions anyone?



        This morning as i sift through the newspaper I was compelled with an article headline that reads more or less as this:

Politician daughter: Registered as race X, not race Y.

Few days ago: I learnt that this female politician (Race X) is married to a spouse of a different race from her (Race Y).It seemed that she made an issue to the national birth registry that she wanted her daughter to be registered as her own kind rather than her husband whereas it's a common rule that a child citizenship/race follows paternally. So what did this politician do? Proposed to the birth registry that her daughter ought to be registered as race: XYZ (let say name of a country race) which in my guess is a tactic to be deem as patriotic by the citizen . 

Today: As mentioned above in the headline article,.. the scenario changed. Her daughter was registered as race X not so called race XYZ or race Y. And my judgement is that she is contend and satisfied with the decision because she didn't object or make a further fuss about the matter. 

My Point? 
HYPOCRISY!! For an individual and a group party (which she represent) that fight against racism and support equal rights, such act is unacceptable. What is the significant of having the word 'race: X' printed on an ID document, when biologically both you and your husband have a share of contribution in your offspring? That's right!!, ... you see race Y as a 2nd or 3rd class citizens and probably are at adversity in this so called 'unfair' nation policies! ..or maybe you yourself regard your Race X as more superior than others!. What ever happened to the principles (mission of equality rights) that you held on to all this while?! 

 I mean..come on, interracial marriage have been going on globally since whatever centuries (you name it) and most couples are willing to tolerate on racial issue..(If they don't, why did they get married in the first place right?)

 I have a lot of second thoughts on putting this entry.. I foresee that certain individuals will look to me as a racist in an attempt to bust a racist-hypocrite political figure. Judge me all you want, but the truth hurts.. 'There are a lot of hypocrites running in the industry'. They line up another issue as a shield or mean to gain benefits of their hidden agenda.

Inspire People ...

             Whether you're a president of a country, accountant, engineer, doctor, research scientist, teacher, economist or everything else, do work smart and hard  .. In any field, each of us have our role and contributions to the nation human resource power. I know this post might seem a bit hypercritical and cliche, but I have a lot of hopes for the nation progress. If we had attained success in the past, we shouldn't only in our efforts, replicate our past achievement, but double or triple the result from the history. Let's inspire one another and let the past inspire us people! 


I Hate It When....

 You do a tough job halfway ..., and at one time there's a sudden feeling/voice inside you telling you should quit.. DAMN.. So peeps, never give in to those feelings.. Don't let your halfway efforts go down the drain!