
Childhood Nightmare ...

Dolls ! Haha ..that's right. I was a pediophobe. A pediophobe ninja. Lol . Blame this TV series 



 As I read through a self motivational book, the writer noted a study about fear.

"Unexpressed fear can result in anxiety disorders, insomnia, heart arrhythmia, sexual dysfunction and other stress-related illness".

So, express and confess your fear to your Creator, share em with the people you hold dearly in your heart and manage em wisely.


Why Can't We .......

 Put our trust regarding political issues on things that can be clearly seen and defined.

For instance progress of the nation in terms of (political stability, top notch economic management, human capital development, moral and religious improvement : low crime rates and development of religious institutions) ??
Those are the main parameters that I think citizens should consider to judge politician performances.

Instead of the above matters, people of this nation prefer to trust on negative and petty issues. They rather work hard to bring down any opponent candidates that fight for the same leadership. Eg ; slander on personal issues (sex scandals, murder association, etc). Not that I say that these issues are pointless to consider a vote for politicians. It's just that people couldn't judge personal matters so easily these days without fair trial from the court. They could be lies/slanders. Hence without any fair trial, those issues will remain uncertain that we should not have em linger in our mind.

So,... on what basis do you judge your leaders?